Sunday, January 10, 2010

A New Road Ahead

I have found a critique group to work with on Yahoo Group. They are called The Middle Musers-not sure if that is one word-they are a private group since I'm unable to look them up in the directory and I got an invitation through Verla's Board. I'm glad I got a reply after so many months. So, though I'm not doing any actual writing at the moment due to trying to get my medical coding more completed, I have an A average so far and I'm finally half way through. Trying to kick up the pace, hence not so much writing.

With this new group though I have my first post on the 18th I believe. I'm not sure what I'm going to post, whether it should be something that I'm working on editting like the The Quiet Child, The Haunted Cemetery, or The Real Truth, something completely new. They have a limit of 2,000 words for critiques and the age is from 9-13, I believe that's Middle Grade. I had no idea there is a range for YA. The group is 5 people, now including me makes 6.

I also have a critique partner that I met through Vera's board. So, now I have 2 places, besides you guys that are taking a look at my writing. Wow, things are moving right along with this writing to hopefully publication. I know that it's going to take some time, but I'm ready for it.

I can't say this enough, thank you to those of you that post about your writing experiences and your lives on a daily basis. It keeps me focused and sure to know that writing for myself and eventually publication is something that I want to really do.

A Little Undecided

I'm thinking where I want my blog to be. I know that I said that I was going to use Blogger exclusively, but it doesn't look as though I have readers since there are not many comments as I have on LJ. I mean I don't want to get rid of Blogger since some writers do use blogger and I keep up with their blogs that way. I seem to have more interaction on LJ and even Myspace. So, for now I'm going to not post on blogger for the time being and just keep LJ and Myspace open. I want to see how the changes go. I might just go with LJ. What do you guys think?